Buon Appetito! Italians are charming. They sing their language. They speak with their body and seduce with their food. Italian food is loved all over the world, and for good reason. Buon Appetito is said to wish enjoyment of the meal. In general, altrettanto is said in response-- meaning 'same to you'. Italians are charming, like the Cheshire Cat's mischievous grin. Italians are charming like the poetic sonnets of Petrarca. Italians can also be generous, generous with their words, generous with their home and generous with their food. Their food is their pleasure and hospitality their gift. Food is discussed, analyzed, eaten, digested, judged for flavor, freshness, and over-all presentation. Food is the catalyst for political debates, bringing opposing parties together, social woes, complements, complaints, laughter and tears. Food is the centerpiece of Italian lifestyle. It's at the table where the drama happens. It's at the table where connection happens. It's at the table where Italians feel most at home. It's as the proverb says, a tavola non si invecchia--one does not grow old at the table. Time slows down, hearts, minds and stomachs satisfied, and the complexity and chaos of the outside world becomes simple and still with the love of Italian food.
Explore Italian food and learn with these helpful links. Click, read, and learn.
If you are interested in learning more, specifically on Sicilian food and it's region, click and check out my course on
(Try it for 50% off with promo code: medusa4. Limited courses available)
Explore Italian food and learn with these helpful links. Click, read, and learn.
If you are interested in learning more, specifically on Sicilian food and it's region, click and check out my course on
(Try it for 50% off with promo code: medusa4. Limited courses available)