clear, deep blues, hopeful greens with red and yellow highlights and its summer Scirocco winds that caress your face at 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Sicily is real. Sicily is raw. Sicily is tragedy with a comedic ending—it makes you laugh, smile, cry, cringe, grin, and laugh again. It's desperate happiness, in the moment, and without knowing it, it embraces you and exposes, unabashedly so, your deepest emotions with its language beats and rhythms, its lucid nature, its fresh,savory tastes and with the warmth, fiery animation of its people. La Sicilia, semplicemente detto, e' bellissima--simply said, Sicily is beautiful. La Trinacria, as it is sometimes referred to, holds you and never lets you go. It stays with you and you can’t help but fall in love with this real, raw, tragic, and happy place. It gets stuck in your throat when you leave and slips down into your heart where it remains until you return.
Stay for a while, explore and view 63 images of Sicily’s sights and colors. I have added links throughout that may help you on your own journey through the island of Sicily.