My hope is that Bagheria’s citizens start truly seeing what surrounds them…
Despite the garbage issue that you see periodically on Italy’s streets due to bureaucracy, ignorance and the ‘menefreghisimo’ (I don’t give a shit) attitude some citizens have, its still an absolutely beautiful country--with some of the most liveliest of people, one of the most delicious of cuisines, and one of the richest histories, art and cultures in the world. Tutto il mondo e' un paese--the whole world is one town (small world) my grandfather used to say. We are all so very similar. We are all so very human and Italians personify that humanness in their culture, their language, their traditions, beliefs, and their over-all enigmatic nature.
A funny little video, in Italian, about Bagheria’s garbage art…
A recent news video on Rome’s garbage strike…
An informative video about garbage used as energy in Venice, Italy…
Some Vocabolario:
Spazzatura--Trash/Garbage. Pulito--Clean. Strada/Via--Street. Sforzo--Effort.