Some news highlights that were covered in Italia in the month of June 2016—I post them to test history; I post them to test memory. How will the news from June of 2016 change us? Will it change us? What will Italians or the world be saying about the events that happened in 2016 in the month of June? Will these events still be pertinent? How will they affect us going into the year 2017, 2018, or 2025? I post them so we can re-read these events and compare, contrast, and see how history is remembered. Will these events of the month of June in the year 2016 be remembered? Will they be a part of a long-standing history? What will Italy be saying about these events in a year, in two years, in ten years? What will the rest of the world be saying? Will they have any effect on our today, on our tomorrow?
I post the news that was covered in Italia in the month of June 2016 so when I return next year, I will compare, contrast, and see how history is remembered, if it had any impact on Italy’s today or tomorrow--if these European and world events had any impact on our future. What will Italy, the world be saying about the first female mayor in Rome, Italy--an event that has not happened in over 2000 years. Soon there may very well be the first female President of the United States--what will history be saying about these women? How about the United Kingdom? They voted to be out of the European Union. How will that affect Europe and the rest of the world? The Italian news also covered the horrific shootings in Orlando, Florida. Will gun control have been changed if in a year you were to revisit an article or a video about this tragedy in Florida? Would you see what impact this tragic history has had on our today, on our tomorrow? I post some news covered in Italia in the month of June 2016 due to my stay here during this very month. I will return, if all goes well, like I try to every year and I will re-read this post. I will re-read this post in order to see if we learn from history, if we remember history, if we repeat history or do newsworthy events have to be epic in scope in order for them to make history, to be lessons, in order for them to have any real impact on our today, on our tomorrow? Will the events that happened in July, (the tragedy in Nice, France, the racial killings of civilians and police officers, the plagiarism of a possible first lady) be remembered? Will they have any effect on how we see isolation, terrorism, race, and integrity? I wonder...
I post some news covered in Italia in the month of June 2016…